Fibula Rod System

The Acumed Fibula Rod System offers an alternative approach to traditional fibular plating by providing fracture stability with a minimally invasive surgical technique. Utilizing a targeting guide, the fibula rod and interlocking screws can be inserted through small incisions, which may help minimize valuable surgery room time.

Key Features

  • Minimally Invasive

    The nail is inserted in the distal fibula through a minimal incision. Screws are inserted by making stab incisions to protect the soft tissue envelope and preserve vascularity of the periosteum

  • Streamlined Procedure

    The surgical technique consists of 8 steps from start to finish, streamlining valuable surgery time

  • Anatomically Contoured

    The nail has a 5° bend designed to fit the intramedullary canal of the fibula

  • Targeting Guide

    The targeting guide aids in the anatomic placement of both A/P and M/L screws and allows for syndesmotic screw fixation

For in-depth information, documentation, key publications and specifications, head to the Acumed website here.

To chat with one of our team, or ask us a question, please get in touch. Call us on 0800 333 909 or email

Solutions for Simple to Complex Trimalleolar Injuries

Trimalleolar fractures involve the lateral malleolus, the medial malleolus, and the posterior malleolus. See how Acumed Foot and Ankle products provide solutions to treat these often challenging cases. Watch video, see clinical and biomechanical evidence, and explore case studies.

Video: Fibula Rod System Animated Surgical Technique

An animated version of Acumed’s suggested method for implanting the Fibula Rod System, an innovative solution to address distal fibular fractures by incorporating straightforward targeting with a minimally invasive surgical approach.

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